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Smile through the Storm...

My Story...


photo of Will Lambley

There was nothing more that I enjoyed growing up than being around my friends and playing sports.  This all changed at 16 years old when I slowly started losing my sight.  Although life can be difficult at times, losing my eye sight has shown me that hard times don't last.

Will Telling his Story

Follow Will's Podcast

The Rise Above Podcast with Cade Adams and Will Lambley shows conversations with people who have risen above their challenges and influence others in a Christlike way!

Featured on the Arkansas Traveler

The Arkansas Traveler, the official newspaper of the University of Arkansas, discusses Will's journey of blindness and how he has been able to overcome it with a smile on his face.

Featured on Pig Trail Nation

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Will inspires organizations to...

  • Live with passion

  • Have hope in adversity

  • Put others first



South Florida Football
High School Graduation

Through the eyes of others...

“Every now and then in life we get the honor to meet a difference maker.  Will Lambley is just that, a difference maker that makes the choice to overcome adversity every day.  Helen Keller said it best when she said, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.” Will continually lets his light shine for all to see, while he has more of a reason than most, to allow circumstances to dim his countenance. As the Head Football coach at Rejoice Christian, I was blessed to coach Will in high school. The mantra of our program is “Rise Above”, which refers to how the eagle flies towards incoming storms and rises above the chaos below. Will exemplifies our Rise Above mantra. Will said it best when he said, “the only disability in life is a bad attitude.” No matter the odds, Will chooses to Fly Anyway!”

- Coach Brent Marley

 (Rejoice Christian High School)

Organizations Will has spoken to

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